IT Hiring in 2023: Key Trends Employers Must Prepare For

It’s important for employers to periodically take stock of their IT hiring process and see where improvements can be made. This is especially vital as market conditions continue to change. The strategies and techniques that attracted top talent in the past may not be as effective in the present. The start of a new year […]
Job Interview Tips for the Interviewer (+11 Must-Ask Questions)

Hiring the right employees for your organization is both vitally important and a highly challenging. It’s key that you identify candidates with the right skills and qualities to not only perform their duties effectively, but also fit into the culture your company is trying to foster. Of course, the only way to accomplish this goal […]
Webinar Explains How To Attract and Retain a High-Performing Team

The Doyle Group recently hosted a webinar on “How to Attract and Retain a High-Performing Team During Uncertain Times.” Founder and Managing Partner Andrew Doyle covered key findings from The Doyle Group’s Q3 economic climate survey, and explained in detail how companies are responding to the current climate and adapting their hiring practices in the […]
Finding Top Tech Talent Starts With the Interview: Review These Dos and Don’ts

In a tight, candidate-driven market, it’s important for hiring managers to maximize their opportunities for finding exceptional tech talent. One of the best ways to do so is to prepare for and conduct effective interviews. What are some key dos and don’ts to consider throughout the interview process? In the information below, we’ve listed interview […]
Cover Letters: What Hiring Managers Should Look For

Cover letters may not be quite as common as they once were. However, reports of the cover letter’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. While many think they have gone the way of landlines and cable — “outdated” or “not necessary” — a well-written cover letter can be very impactful for any hiring manager who wants […]
What’s the Best Hiring Option? FTE, Contract, Outsourcing….

Hiring skilled professionals is a critical aspect of any effective business plan. Of course, there are a number of factors that determine exactly what constitutes a “skilled professional” for your business. For instance, one of the most common dilemmas that employers face is what kind of professional they want to bring onboard for a specific role. What […]
6 Important Things To Look For When Reviewing Candidate Resumes

Hiring the right candidate for an open position is one of the most challenging tasks there is in today’s business world. Simply reviewing candidate resumes can be overwhelming. For example, one study found that online job openings receive an average of 250+ resumes for each listing; IT openings receive an average of 386. That’s 386 different candidates […]
Improving Retention: How To Retain Your Top Talent

It’s a real challenge in today’s market to retain top talent — either in the IT sector, or anywhere else. For instance, Forrester reports that IT organizations are facing a 13.8 percent attrition rate, while the demand for tech talent “maintains a frenetic pace.” (Translation: there’s a huge need for IT professionals, and not enough […]
7 Tips To Attract Top Talent in a Highly Competitive Market

Today’s job market is a tight, competitive space for the vast majority of employers. Consider this. There’s less than one unemployed American (0.7) to each open position. As a result, many companies are scrambling to attract top talent, especially in technology roles. If you’re currently searching to fill critical openings at your organization, what can […]
Does Your Hiring Strategy Consider Cultural Fit?

The primary objective of any recruiter is to find the most talented, promising candidates available, and then use them to fill open roles that match their experience, skill set, and goals. However, cultural fit is often ignored in a company’s hiring strategy. As a result, even the best-looking candidates can quickly turn into “bad hires.” […]