Tech Hiring is Evolving Rapidly. Learn How To Adapt.
candidate interviews for a tech job.

The job market is constantly changing, and tech hiring seems to be evolving rapidly. In fact, it sometimes appears to have multiple trends that contradict one another. For example, some large tech companies have recently laid off a sizable percentage of their workforce. At the same time, there is still a significant shortage of available technology professionals on the market.

Interestingly, we’re still seeing companies miss out on top candidates, partly because of an unnecessarily prolonged hiring process. How so? It’s because these preferred candidates are receiving offers from competitors — competitors willing to commit to them more quickly. 

The point is, it can be challenging to navigate tech hiring in a constantly changing landscape. Fortunately, the recruiting experts at The Doyle Group are here to help. Let’s discuss six recommendations that will help you land the best candidates in an ever-changing environment.

1. Consider Offering a Remote Work Environment (Either 100% Remote or Hybrid)

It seems like there’s a “tug-of-war” in the tech industry between proponents of onsite work environments vs. those who support remote options. The important thing to remember in terms of your candidate search is that offering only in-office arrangements will limit your options. In fact, one study found that a whopping 97.6% of remote workers would like to work remotely, at least some of the time, for the rest of their career.

Granted, there may be legitimate reasons why you need to have employees come into the office, and you can and should share that reasoning in your job descriptions. Nevertheless, if you are in a position to offer fully remote or hybrid schedules, your job postings will likely garner much more interest than they would otherwise.

2. Keep Your Tech Hiring Network Strong

Remember that referrals can be one of the best ways to attract candidates to your organization. Make sure to connect (or stay connected) with past colleagues, friends, vendor partners, etc. Consider implementing an employee referral program with reasonable rewards for each referral that pans out.

In this regard, it should be noted that according to one survey, 88% of employers rate employee referral programs as the best source of applicants. This statistic underscores just how valuable a strong network can be!

3. Work With a Recruiting Firm

You may gain several advantages by working with a reputable job placement firm, such as The Doyle Group. For instance:

  • A recruiting firm can help manage expectations with the candidates, thus reducing potential issues associated with a lengthy time to hire (or possibly shortening the time to hire itself).
  • The firm will be able to “sell” your company as a premier employer, and promote the benefits, culture, growth opportunities, management style, and other positive aspects of your organization in a way that can’t be conveyed solely through a job description.
  • A placement firm’s team can leverage their many years of expertise to identify the best candidates for your specific needs.

4. Host and Attend In-Person Events

In-person events can help your business become more well-known in the local community, and create a strong employer brand. Moreover, such in-person events can be invaluable networking opportunities. For example, by attending trade shows within your industry, you may be able to connect with professionals who are looking for a transition in their careers. And by hosting or attending job fairs, you’ll likely be able to attract a diverse group of candidates looking for their next role.

5. Ensure Your Processes Are “Tight”

In other words, make sure your hiring process is streamlined. You want to deliver a candidate experience that is as simple and seamless as possible. Here are a couple of tips that may prove helpful:

  • Don’t hold more than three interviews if you can help it. Ask yourself: “Is it really necessary to conduct multiple interviews to determine if a candidate would be a good fit for our company?” If it is, try to consolidate the information typically covered in several interviews into just one or two sessions with the applicant.
  • Don’t leave a lot of time between interviews. If you space out interviews over too much time, candidates may lose interest in your company. Even if they remain interested, you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to “poaching” from a competing business. Remember that nothing says “we’re interested in you” like a quick turnaround time.

6. Make Sure Job Descriptions Are Comprehensive and Well-Written

Your job description may be the very first touchpoint that a candidate has with your company. Therefore, it’s important to make your it stand out compared to those from other employers. Make sure you highlight aspects of the job that will appeal to candidates. While it’s important to discuss the tasks and requirements associated with the role, it’s also vital to discuss the benefits the candidate will receive from working with your organization — both tangible and intangible. For example:

  • Describe what makes your organization unique. Is it the culture? The opportunities for advancement? Focus on the type of experience employees enjoy when working for your business.
  • Highlight offerings near and dear to your audience’s heart: a flexible work schedule, remote options, insurance benefits, paid time off, etc.
  • Ensure that all your job descriptions are up-to-date, and provide the latest and most accurate information for jobseekers.

In summary, if you implement these six recommendations in your tech hiring process, you will likely be able to attract top talent to your organization and enjoy a more cohesive and productive team as a result. For more information and tips on how to make this happen, be sure to check out The Doyle Group’s catalog of resources for employers, or reach out to us directly to start the conversation.

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