IT Hiring in 2023: Key Trends Employers Must Prepare For
Group of happy new employees during an onboarding session reflect 2023 IT hiring trends.

It’s important for employers to periodically take stock of their IT hiring process and see where improvements can be made. This is especially vital as market conditions continue to change. The strategies and techniques that attracted top talent in the past may not be as effective in the present.

The start of a new year offers a fitting opportunity for companies to look ahead, and identify hiring trends that may impact their approach to filling open roles. For 2023, here are seven key trends to consider as you evaluate your IT hiring process:

Trend #1: The Continuing Tug-of-War Between Onsite and Remote Environments

Many candidates have grown accustomed to working from home, either as part of a hybrid schedule or as fully remote employees. Some companies are shifting their employment model back to traditional in-office work. However, candidates are continuing to push back against that approach. 

Be aware that many candidates are looking for fully remote opportunities. People are used to the new “work-life harmony.” As a result, they do not want to transition back to the old 8-to-5 work style. To attract the most candidates to your open positions, you may need to lean into this trend and offer hybrid or fully remote schedules.

Trend #2: Investing in Employees and Their Career Development

There’s a lot of economic uncertainty right now. As a result, many employees are staying in their current positions. Nevertheless, these workers are still interested in advancing their career, whether internally or with a new employer, if the opportunity arises.

If you want to retain top talent, it’s important to provide employees with internal opportunities to develop their careers. For example, have you considered cross-training employees from different departments? Are there clear paths for employees to achieve an internal promotion? Investing in your current employees may reduce your hiring needs and contribute to increased efficiency with your resources.

Trend #3: Increase Reliance on a Contingent Workforce

Another byproduct of the uncertain economy will be an increase in the contingent workforce. Employers wary of investing in full-time employees will turn to project-based, contract, and part-time work to fill any gaps in their workflow. Alternatively, many companies may increase their investment in their full-time offshore and nearshore workforce.

You can expect this increase to become most evident later in 2023 (Q2/Q3) as organizations evaluate whether they have the resources to complete revenue-generating projects. The majority of those who don’t will likely turn to contingent workers as a cost-effective solution.

Trend #4: Salary and Benefits Transparency

In many U.S. states, laws are in place to ensure pay transparency. Whether this is legally required in your state or not, candidates expect employers to provide transparency around salary and benefits. This often comes in the form of a salary range for an open position.

Make sure that your compensation plans are competitive for the market. Additionally, ensure the salary of your existing talent is appropriate compared to the salary for new hires.

Trend #5: Focus on Cultural Alignment

While salary is important, it’s only one aspect of a truly competitive offer. Cultural fit will continue to be a vital focus area for companies. In fact, one study found that the cost to replace a bad hire could be up to five times the bad hire’s annual salary!

When you hire for cultural fit in addition to skills and experience, you foster a spirit of collaboration and diversity in your organization. Your employees will be happier. And your customers will receive the benefits of doing business with a focused, unified team. 

Trend #6: Streamlined Onboarding and Training Processes

To get your new hires up to speed as soon as possible, you must have a streamlined onboarding and training process. For instance, many companies implement a mentorship program in which an experienced employee is assigned to help a new hire navigate the first several weeks of work. 

Effective onboarding and training will not only make your new employees more efficient in less time. It will also make them more likely to stay with your organization for the long haul. Moreover, such streamlined processes will enhance your company’s reputation, and could even attract other qualified candidates to open positions.

Trend #7: Employer Branding

Company branding doesn’t just attract customers. It can also attract candidates who share your organization’s values and are passionate about its mission statement. Positive employer branding will also help you to retain quality employees who can contribute to the success and growth of your business.

Ensure that your mission statement, values, and culture are clearly visible on your website and social media profiles. Coach your recruiting team on using brand elements as selling points when discussing open jobs with applicants. By focusing on candidate-facing branding, you’ll be in a prime position to improve and expand your pool of candidates when a role needs to be filled.

Continue To Leverage IT Hiring Trends in 2023 and Beyond

If you take note of the seven hiring trends discussed above, and make appropriate adjustments to your hiring process as needed, then you’ll likely be able to attract and retain top-tier talent. In addition, consider working with an experienced recruiting partner like The Doyle Group to help fill any gaps in your process.

If you’d like to explore more practical tips on how to improve your hiring process, be sure to check out The Doyle Group’s catalog of resources today.

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