Looking for a New Job in 2023? Navigate These 7 Hiring Trends
Overhead view of a woman searching for jobs on her laptop according to hiring trends.

If you’re looking for a new job in 2023, your search will undoubtedly include challenges and opportunities. Market conditions are constantly changing, and progressive-minded employers will stay abreast of the latest hiring trends in order to land top talent. 

As a jobseeker, you too can leverage current hiring trends to identify exceptional employment opportunities and make yourself a more attractive candidate. Here are seven trends you should pay attention to as you explore your options:

Trend #1: The Emergence of “Return to Office” Plans

In a post-COVID world, many companies are implementing initiatives to bring their employees back to the office, either full-time or as part of a hybrid schedule. Managers prefer the convenience of face-to-face interactions with team members, and the ability to oversee projects more closely.

How can you navigate this hiring trend? One way is to be flexible regarding the positions you apply for. There are many cultural benefits to landing a role that includes in-office work, so it may be advantageous to apply for a range of job types (fully onsite, hybrid, or fully remote).

On the other hand, you may be committed to looking for a fully remote opportunity. If so, be honest with the hiring manager or recruiter that contacts you. Even if the job you’re applying for is not currently available as a fully remote position, perhaps the employer is trying to fill another role that’s fully remote — or one could open up soon.

Trend #2: A Focus on Retention and Career Development

In an uncertain economic climate, hiring trends are affected. For example, many potential candidates aren’t leaving the jobs they currently have. As a result, companies continue to invest in their existing employees through training and career development initiatives. 

If advancing your career is important to you, find out if the organizations you’re interviewing with offer development opportunities. For example, do they provide ongoing training for employees? Do they provide an education stipend? Is their company known for a culture of internal promotion?

As you consider these questions, it may also be good to evaluate how open to growth you are. You could examine your own willingness to learn more and develop new skills. This type of self-reflection will help you pursue opportunities that match up with your goals and preferences.

Trend #3: Increase in Contingent Workforce

In 2023, you can expect companies to rely more heavily on the contingent workforce — including part-time employees, consultants, as well as offshore and nearshore workers. Can you be open to different types of arrangements, such as contract or contract-to-hire work? If so, you’ll no doubt have many more options to explore than you would if you were committed to full-time employment only.

Trend #4: Salary and Benefits Transparency

This trend is a definite plus for jobseekers! More and more companies (partly in response to newly enacted state laws) are being open about the salary range candidates can expect, as well as the benefits they offer. As a result, you’ll have more visibility into whether an open role is aligned with your expectations. Moreover, looking at salaries for comparable roles may help you and your prospective employer to close the pay gap and come to a mutually acceptable wage for your services.

Trend #5: A Focus on Cultural Alignment

Cultural fit will continue to be a major factor for employers and jobseekers alike. In fact, closely identifying with a company’s culture may be as important to you as receiving competitive compensation for your work. 

With that in mind, make sure to do your research on the organization you’re interviewing with. What are their core values? What is their mission statement? Does their reputation back up their claims? Are they looking for the mindset, values, and principles that you bring to the table, or would you find a better fit elsewhere? Analyzing these questions can help you find a role that you’ll be happy with for the long term. 

Trend #6: Tools To Help New Hires Hit the Ground Running

You can expect companies to continue investing in and streamlining their training program. Efficient onboarding and training will help get new hires up to speed quickly, and contribute to a more effective and profitable team. Of course, this type of support will also help new employees feel more secure and confident about their role.

Try to determine how effective an employer’s onboarding and training process is. Ask what is involved in the process. Will you be set up for success, or will it take too much time to get up to speed? Who will be your point of contact for questions? Is a mentorship program in place? The answers you receive will tell you a lot about how invested the employer is in new hires.

Trend #7: Employer Branding

A well-led company will no doubt have clear branding in place. For example, the company’s values, mission statement, and culture should be evident on their website and social media accounts. You should take some time to research these elements and see if they align with what you’re looking for.

Some Final Tips

Apart from the seven key hiring trends discussed above, here are some additional tips that can help in your job search:

  • Since the market going into 2023 is so uncertain, especially for IT professionals, it’s worth asking whether what you’re looking for is realistic at the present time. Consider connecting with a recruiter to gain insight into what companies are offering in the current climate. 
  • When interviewing, ask what your growth roadmap looks like. Make sure you understand what options are open to you. Even if the salary isn’t quite what you were looking for, consider any growth opportunities associated with the role (as well as other benefits). 
  • Use your personal and professional networks to find out about opportunities that may align with your goals. 

For more helpful tips on how to successfully conduct your job search, be sure to check out our catalog of resources at The Doyle Group today.

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