The Secret to Finding Your Dream Job: 5 Reasons to Work with a Recruiter
One of the most satisfying things in life is working in a job you love. But finding your dream job is easier said than done. Fortunately, a lot of companies in tech are desperate for talent. If you’ve got the skills, the aptitude, and the passion, finding your dream tech job isn’t as daunting as […]
3 Resume Tips That Will Win Interviews
Are you applying for jobs and not hearing back? If yes, there’s a good possibility that the problem lies in your resume. When you consider that 95 percent of resumes never get past the first hurdle — the recruiter’s screening process — it’s not hard to understand why. With hundreds of resumes hitting the recruiter’s […]
3 Signs it’s Time to Switch Jobs
Is it time to switch jobs? For 32-year old Jason, the voices in his head were getting stronger. Workweeks were the worst. Getting out of bed to make that one-hour commute to his office felt like a real drag. His mind played the same thing on an endless loop — “do I really need this […]
5 Tips for Tech Candidates in Today’s Hot Job Market
For tech candidates seeking new job opportunities, there has not been this HOT of a market since the .com tech bubble over 20 years ago. With a whopping 245,500 new tech jobs projected to enter the market this year alone, tech candidates have quite a few options to choose from. While opportunities are plentiful, however, […]
The Art of Saying “Thank You” After Job Interviews
It’s that time of the year when we are reminded to practice gratitude. While yes, it’s the time to show our appreciation for everything in our lives, both big and small, I’m going to take this opportunity to discuss something that jobseekers often forget — sending a well-written ‘thank you’ note after a job interview. […]
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Counter Offers
Counter offers often seem like a dream situation. You’re ready to jump ship but when you tell the boss you’ll be leaving the company in a few weeks, he offers you better incentives — like a raise or a job promotion or both — to keep you. It’s hard to say “no” to an enticing […]
What Recruiters Do Behind the Scenes
As a long-time recruiter, I can tell you that very few applicants truly understand the corporate recruiting process. The truth is, the entire hiring process can be a little mystifying. After all, you don’t really know what’s going on after you’ve dropped your resume or appeared for an interview. Connecting with the right recruiter can remove a […]