5 Tips for Tech Candidates in Today’s Hot Job Market
Tech candidates line up for job interview.

For tech candidates seeking new job opportunities, there has not been this HOT of a market since the .com tech bubble over 20 years ago.

With a whopping 245,500 new tech jobs projected to enter the market this year alone, tech candidates have quite a few options to choose from. While opportunities are plentiful, however, one point of frustration for candidates is that some employers do not have an efficient hiring process in place.

This puts candidates in an awkward position. When the process takes too long with their opportunity of choice, job seekers are left wondering if they should accept another (perhaps less attractive) offer or wait for potential employers to get it together. It doesn’t have to be this way.

We agree that it’s important for employers to pay attention to what’s happening and streamline their hiring process accordingly. But it’s also important for job seekers to do what they can to speed things up on their end.

Whether you’re currently going it alone or working with a recruiter, the tips outlined in this post can help job seekers eliminate certain companies as potential employers more quickly. That way, you can move on to the ones who are ready to put an offer on the table.  

Tips to Help Tech Candidates Get Offers Quicker

You can’t control most aspects of the hiring process. But there are steps you can take to keep the ball rolling and land a job with a good company. 

Tip 1: Take More Control

From the moment a potential employer signals that they’re interested in interviewing you, be proactive about nailing down the specifics of the interview. If the employer doesn’t set expectations regarding a potential timeline, be sure to push for them to do so.

Likewise, once you make it to the interview phase, remember that these sessions do not have to be one-sided. You don’t have to be the one in the hot seat. This is also a prime opportunity for you to ask pointed questions about the job description, potential salary, benefits, and corporate culture.

Proactively asking questions shows the hiring manager (or panel) that you’re a confident and independent thinker. In addition, it allows you to determine more quickly which opportunities are right for you. 

Taking more control helps move the hiring process along and keeps you from feeling stranded on an island of uncertainty. 

Tip 2: Prepare Well for the Interview

Preparing for a job interview is absolutely essential, both to help speed up the hiring process and to land a new tech job successfully:

  • Dress suitably to match company culture.
  • Practice your greetings and anecdotes.
  • Prepare for commonly asked interview questions.
  • Anticipate questions about your resume and strategize how to answer them.
  • Research the company and absorb its core values.
  • Be ready to detail why you’re a good fit for the job.
  • Express why you are interested in the position.

In addition, provide specific details of where you have done a similar job and what your role was on the team. A company that is on top of its hiring game, will lay out these expectations for you. If necessary, however, you may need to ask what will be required along these lines.

This is an indication of how smooth and efficient their hiring process is (or is not). This might affect your decision to pursue this opportunity further or focus elsewhere. 

Tip 3: Ask the Right Questions

An interview is a two-way street. While you’ll spend much of your preparation time focusing on the questions you’re likely to be asked, you should also prepare questions to ask as well.

For example, interviewers love to say: “Tell me about yourself.”

Instead of answering immediately, you might ask for clarification: “I’d love to. But first, why don’t you tell me what a successful person in this position might look like? That way I can provide a detailed response.”

Asking clarifying questions will help you respond more directly. You’ll be providing exactly the sort of information the interviewers are looking for, saving time and energy for you both.

Toward the end of the interview, be sure to ask specific questions about the next steps of the hiring process:

  • When do you plan to make a decision?
  • How soon can I expect to hear from you? 

Asking the right questions will signal your confidence. It will also help set expectations and give you an idea of when you can follow up and/or move on. 

Tip 4: Look for Indicators that the Employer is Serious

Obviously, an offer is the ultimate display of commitment. However, that may not happen on the first interview. 

Even if you don’t land the job immediately, a serious employer will indicate that they value your time by explaining the next steps, mapping out the process, and being transparent about where you stand.

If they attempt to end the interview with something vague without outlining these matters, don’t be afraid to press in with questions, as we mentioned in the point above. If their answers are less than satisfying, this could be a sign that the employer is either less than serious or doesn’t quite have it together when it comes to their hiring process.

Either way, you could take this as a sign to focus your energies elsewhere.  

Tip 5: If Working with a Recruiter, Trust and Transparency are Your Best Friends

View your recruiter as your partner and career coach. The more your recruiter knows, the better they will be able to serve you.

An IT recruiter succeeds only when you succeed. Because it’s their job to ensure that you land a good position with a company that values you and your skills, you can trust that they are on your side. They have a vested interest in making you and the employer happy.

Operating from a position of trust and open communication will help them serve you well. When they’re fully apprised of your thoughts, wishes, and desires, they’re in a better position to help you narrow down your opportunities and focus on the ones that are more likely to be a good fit. 

This helps save time and energy, and helps you speed up the hiring process and land a great job in technology. 

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