3 Signs it’s Time to Switch Jobs
Smiling businesswoman with box made the decision to switch jobs.

Is it time to switch jobs? For 32-year old Jason, the voices in his head were getting stronger. Workweeks were the worst. Getting out of bed to make that one-hour commute to his office felt like a real drag. His mind played the same thing on an endless loop — “do I really need this job?” Having to struggle through the daily grind at the office and listlessly sitting through meetings with his new boss (who started two weeks ago and perhaps wouldn’t last more than six months), the thought finally crossed his mind — “I’m better than this place!” 

But he didn’t do anything about it.

Switching Jobs: An Internal Battle

Does this sound familiar? If you’re reading this, I bet it does!

You’ve come to realize that you don’t love your job. You want to leave like a bat out of hell, but still end up staying for years. Why? You might be convinced you won’t find a job that pays as well. Or you worry that you aren’t qualified for other jobs. You might simply not have the mental energy to hunt for a new job while you’re still stuck in a job that makes you unhappy. The truth is, the longer you avoid switching jobs and stay put in a toxic environment, the more likely that other areas of your life will be negatively affected. This includes your relationships with friends and family.

However, if you’re putting off that job search for the fear of not finding enough opportunities out there, you should know that…

With More Opportunities in the Job Market, People Are Switching More Frequently

There used to be a time when people stayed in the same job for decades. Sure, there still were pink slips, transfers, and job changes. But on average, it was more common for people to work for the same employer for years back then than it is now. These days, people in IT switch jobs every 18 months to two years. Research shows that the tech space offers some of the most difficult jobs to fill, fueling the demand for talent who can fit into these roles.

So, there you have it — more than finding the right fit job, it’s about convincing yourself that it’s OK to move on. And once you’ve done that, you’ve crossed the first barrier.

Here are three tell-tale signs that it’s time for you to switch jobs.

1. You feel you’re being micromanaged.

Most people don’t realize the perils of working in a micro-managed environment until it’s too late. They think it’s normal for their boss to control every detail of their work. Well, it’s not. Being constantly scrutinized for work isn’t just annoying. It can leave you with self-confidence issues and stunt your performance and professional growth in the long run.

If you feel weighed down by the hyper-controlled environment of your workplace, it’s a sign that you should take the song “Move on Down the Road” seriously. Switch jobs ASAP. 

2. You don’t feel appreciated.

Do you feel like your company takes you for granted? Is your great work going unnoticed? It might be time to switch jobs. After a year of blood, sweat, tears, and really long hours, you expect to be rewarded. But you shouldn’t have to wait for your performance review to feel like your work is making a difference. If you aren’t getting paid what you are worth, or worse, if your boss starts to take credit for your work, you may be feeling uninspired and unmotivated. And life is too short to work for a boss that doesn’t appreciate your hard work.

3. Your current job doesn’t allow for the growth you are looking for.

So, you feel the ladder is running out of rungs? You’re not alone. Prudential Financial’s Pulse of the American Worker Survey found that career growth is a big catalyst for change. Of the 26 percent of workers planning to switch jobs post-COVID, 80 percent are doing so because they’re concerned about career advancement. You see your job as a dead end, it’s an immediate red-flag.

Moving from an OK job to a damn good one isn’t easy. You may have sleepless nights before you actually get down to doing it. But, it’s totally worth it. If one or more of these signs speak to you, then maybe you should start listening. Switch jobs sooner rather than later.


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