Stuck In The Wrong Job? It’s Time To Explore The Job Market
Man sits at desk frustrated with his current job, thinking about exploring the job market.

We often hear stories about people putting up with jobs they hate for fear that there isn’t a better option out there. Or they realize there might be something better, but don’t want to put themselves through the process of trying to find a new job. As a recruiter, I can tell you those stories are not just true, but rampant. More than 50 percent of employees are unhappy with their jobs, according to a joint study by Lumina Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Omidyar Network, and Gallup. If you’re one of these, it’s time to explore the job market. Here’s why.

Finding the Right Job is More Than Luck

Do you think switching to a job that’s both satisfying and offers better pay is a matter of luck? Well, it’s not. It’s all about knowing when to make the move and where to go next. If you’re unsure about whether you should look for a new job, check out this article that features three signs you need a job change. What I’m going to discuss here are the ways to navigate the job market.

First of all, it’s important to understand that the job market has undergone a monumental shift in the past few years. Unlike before, people are changing jobs at a faster rate. One in five people now change jobs every year. One in 10 change careers or occupations every year. At the same time, talent shortage has become the No. 1 headache for companies. This is especially true in the tech space, where the demand for skilled talent has skyrocketed.

Here in Denver, the tech sector is booming and showing no signs of slowing down. So what if you aren’t a techie? There are several high-paying jobs in tech today that don’t require you to have a computer science degree. You have to step out of your comfort zone. When you push yourself to explore what’s out there, you may be pleasantly surprised.

If you aren’t satisfied with your job or are looking to make a career move for any other reason, it’s critical to stay tuned in with job market trends. But even for those who are happy with their current jobs, it pays to keep your eyes on the job market. Why? Because…

There are Plenty of Opportunities to Explore

The proliferation of technology across nearly every industrial sector has expanded the opportunities for job creation. New roles and job functions are getting carved out of emerging needs. Some of the most prominent positions in on-the-rise sectors came to be only in the past decade or so. So the point is, if you’re not in tune with the job market changes, you’re likely missing out on big opportunities that you don’t know exist.

There Might be Something Better for You

You may not be actively looking for a new job, but who knows, you may want/need to do so in near future. Staying up-to-date with the job market keeps you well-prepared for changes you may not have anticipated. To this end, it’s great to have a good recruiter on your side. This is a good starting point for any job search, but the long-term benefits go much deeper. Imagine being informed and guided through your career moves by people who know the ins and outs of the employment marketplace. That’s just one of the many benefits of partnering with the right recruiter!

You May Possess an In-demand Skill Set

With an in-demand skill set, solid candidates have the luxury to be picky about where they go. If you have skills to match certain emerging needs of businesses, you can negotiate for a higher pay or other perks.

However, it’s equally important to upgrade your skills to stay ahead in today’s competitive environment. Try to understand what skills and qualifications are most sought after by employers. Then, expand your skills in that direction.

Find the Right-Fit Company by Looking in the Right Places

For most job seekers, the overall expectation is more or less the same — finding work they will enjoy and having a satisfying job/life balance. Most of the time, this is only possible when a company aligns with you personally. Allowing yourself to look beyond what’s in plain sight will increase your opportunities of finding companies whose values align with those of yours. In other words, explore options outside your circle of influence.

Which geographic regions (or cities), markets, and industries have positive growth? Which companies and organizations are still growing (or have growth potential)? These are some questions to ask if you wish to identify the areas of growth in the current employment landscape. Denver, for instance, has a booming tech job scene, which has turned it into a lucrative hotspot for jobseekers.

Over the last few years, Denver has witnessed a huge influx of people, specifically job-searching millennials, even surpassing cities such as Seattle and Washington, D.C. With a population of about 2.7 million, the metro area received more than 100,000 out-of-state residents from 2010 through 2014, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

In spite of the pandemic, new business growth is flourishing in our state. According to The University of Colorado of Boulder, “New data shows Colorado business is primed for growth in its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic…There were 39,252 new entity filings in the second quarter [2021], an increase of 25.7 percent year-over-year.”

With Denver’s growing reputation as an entrepreneur-friendly city and steadily dropping unemployment rates, companies are having a difficult time filling job openings. There are a ton of openings, but not enough tech talent to fill them, according to Ryan Gedney, a senior economist with the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment.

Next Steps for You

What does all of this mean for you? It means you don’t have to stay put in a job that doesn’t satisfy you. Being open to exploring those emerging opportunities can be a great way to advance your career in the direction you want it to go.

Talk to the expert team of recruiters at The Doyle Group to find your dream job.

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