How To Craft a Compelling Elevator Pitch

Man gives elevator speech to sell himself during job interview.

Whether you’re a job seeker or a business leader, conveying your message with clarity and conciseness is an important skill to master. In other words, it’s vital to have a compelling elevator pitch. If you do, you may be able to open doors to opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible. What Is an Elevator Pitch? […]

The Value of Networking: Why It’s Worth Your Time

People shaking hands at a networking event.

There’s a time-worn adage in the business world: “It’s not what  you know, it’s who you know.” While that statement may be somewhat exaggerated, it certainly carries a measure of truth. Without having the right contacts, even the most qualified job candidates may struggle to find suitable roles; and even the best companies to work for may struggle […]

Succeed in 2024! Learn How To Set SMART Goals

A chalkboard illustration outlines what it means to set SMART goals.

Goals are vital for success, both in business and in personal life. However, it’s essential to have a structured approach to achieving your goals. For this reason, it is often beneficial to set “SMART” goals. When you set SMART goals for the year (and beyond), you’ll give direction to your efforts, and ultimately be able […]

LinkedIn Profile Best Practices: 6 Steps To Get Noticed

A person holding a cell phone with the LinkedIn logo displayed.

LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms for candidates to use in their job search. With millions of members across the world, it is a powerful resource for networking, with connections and hiring managers in virtually any industry. Of course, as with any tool, LinkedIn is only as effective as its user. How […]

Applicant Tracking Systems: 4 Ways To Ensure You Get Noticed

Concept of an HR professional reviewing applications generating by an applicant tracking system.

If you’re currently looking for an open tech role, it’s important to be strategic in your job search. One key factor to consider is how to make your application stand out in the context of applicant tracking systems, or ATS. Thousands of organizations use ATS software to manage their recruitment process. As a result, getting […]

5 Ways To Leverage ChatGPT in Your Job Search

An IT job candidate uses ChatGPT to enhance his job search.

Jobseekers today have to navigate a very competitive market. Any advantage they can gain may mean the difference between landing their preferred job and missing the opportunity completely. ChatGPT is one helpful tool that many candidates have started to use in their job search. This AI-powered platform is a chatbot designed to answer user questions […]

6 Elements of a Job Description Jobseekers Must Consider

A tech candidate reviews job descriptions on his laptop before calling a potential employer.

Searching for a job requires diligence, perseverance, and skill. All these qualities come into play when reviewing job descriptions. Whether a job description is your first introduction to a company or not, it’s important to consider the various elements of each posting seriously. After all, you want to pursue those roles that will be a […]

What’s Going On in the Tech Job Market, and How Can Candidates Navigate It?

A tech candidate hands in his portfolio during his job search.

The tech job market has been vastly different in 2023 compared to 2022. Many jobseekers are fighting an uphill battle. It used to be that you could just put your resume out there and quickly receive a number of calls or emails to line up your next opportunity. Now, it’s essential to leverage your network […]

Looking for a New Job in 2023? Navigate These 7 Hiring Trends

Overhead view of a woman searching for jobs on her laptop according to hiring trends.

If you’re looking for a new job in 2023, your search will undoubtedly include challenges and opportunities. Market conditions are constantly changing, and progressive-minded employers will stay abreast of the latest hiring trends in order to land top talent.  As a jobseeker, you too can leverage current hiring trends to identify exceptional employment opportunities and […]

Top Job Interview Questions Employers Ask and How To Prepare for Them

A job candidate confidently answers the top job interview questions.

One of the most important steps in preparing for a job interview is anticipating which questions the interviewer may ask, and having appropriate responses at the ready. Granted, there’s no way you can anticipate every question that may come up. However, analyzing some of the most common job interview questions can help you put your best foot […]