Searching for a Recruiting Partner? Here’s What You Should Look For

Two people shake hands, representing a recruiting partner arrangement.

Finding the right people to fill your open roles is crucial for your continued success as a company. A candidate who is hardworking, skilled, and fits within your culture can prove to be an invaluable asset for years to come. However, finding the right person is easier said than done. Fortunately, you have the option […]

Does a Project Manager Need To Be an Expert on the Project Matter?

A project manager review financial documents with a member of her team.

Hiring a project manager (PM) can be a big investment. But, if an upcoming project will have a critical impact on your business (such as the implementation of a change in technology or workflow), it’s wise to hire a PM that will guide that transformational project. Once you decide to hire a project manager, the […]

The Value of Networking: Why It’s Worth Your Time

People shaking hands at a networking event.

There’s a time-worn adage in the business world: “It’s not what  you know, it’s who you know.” While that statement may be somewhat exaggerated, it certainly carries a measure of truth. Without having the right contacts, even the most qualified job candidates may struggle to find suitable roles; and even the best companies to work for may struggle […]

How To Find Top Talent: TDG’s 5-Step Process Explained

Manager welcomes top talent recently recruited.

Identifying and securing top talent is a key step toward sustainable success for any company. When you hire the right people for the right roles, they’ll be productive, contribute to your corporate culture, and help accomplish your business goals. Many organizations take a somewhat haphazard approach to sourcing top talent. However, at The Doyle Group, […]

Extending a Strong Job Offer: How Employers Can Secure Top Talent

Woman extends job offer to IT top talent

Finding top talent in today’s market is important, but it’s only the first step in a successful candidate search. Once you’ve identified the best candidate for an open position, the next key step is to extend a strong job offer to him or her. With so much competition over exceptional applicants, this is a crucial […]

6 Essential Things To Look For When Reviewing Project Management Candidate Resumes

Female project manager talks with two colleagues to gain input.

Project managers you hire to lead programs will have a profound impact on the success of your current and upcoming initiatives and, by extension, your company as a whole. For example, research indicates that 73% of organizations that use a formal project management approach, whether utilizing Agile, Waterfall or some other methodology — when driven by experienced […]

IT Hiring in 2023: Key Trends Employers Must Prepare For

Group of happy new employees during an onboarding session reflect 2023 IT hiring trends.

It’s important for employers to periodically take stock of their IT hiring process and see where improvements can be made. This is especially vital as market conditions continue to change. The strategies and techniques that attracted top talent in the past may not be as effective in the present. The start of a new year […]

Job Interview Tips for the Interviewer (+11 Must-Ask Questions)

Manager asks important candidate questions, following job interview tips.

Hiring the right employees for your organization is both vitally important and a highly challenging. It’s key that you identify candidates with the right skills and qualities to not only perform their duties effectively, but also fit into the culture your company is trying to foster. Of course, the only way to accomplish this goal […]

Webinar Explains How To Attract and Retain a High-Performing Team

A huge magnet attracts top tech talent, emphasizing the importance of attracting and retaining talent.

The Doyle Group recently hosted a webinar on “How to Attract and Retain a High-Performing Team During Uncertain Times.” Founder and Managing Partner Andrew Doyle covered key findings from The Doyle Group’s Q3 economic climate survey, and explained in detail how companies are responding to the current climate and adapting their hiring practices in the […]

Cover Letters: What Hiring Managers Should Look For

hiring manager at desk reviews cover letters.

Cover letters may not be quite as common as they once were. However, reports of the cover letter’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. While many think they have gone the way of landlines and cable — “outdated” or “not necessary” — a well-written cover letter can be very impactful for any hiring manager who wants […]