Searching for a Job in 2022? Look Out for These 3 Hiring Trends
A young tech employee at his work station at home as part of a work-from-home hiring trend.

The IT job market today offers a lot of “golden opportunities” for candidates to land their preferred position with a reputable employer. One reason why this is the case is the emergence of several candidate-friendly hiring trends throughout the industry. Of course, to take advantage of these trends it’s important to clearly identify them, and then take specific steps to position yourself as an attractive option for the organization in question.

With that in mind, let’s discuss three key hiring trends to keep an eye on in 2022, and how you can successfully navigate them during your job search.

Trend #1: Openings for Long-Term Remote/Hybrid Work

It’s no surprise that the first of our hiring trends is that many jobseekers are attracted to the idea of working from home, either as part of a hybrid schedule or 100 percent of the time. For instance, one study found that a whopping 99 percent of current remote workers want to keep their schedule in the future. In addition, 77 percent of remote workers feel more productive compared to being at the office.

However, it’s important to note that a remote workforce offers many advantages to employers as well. In many cases, the costs of maintaining a hybrid/fully remote workforce are considerably lower than that of a traditional in-office staff. Moreover, investing in a remote workforce greatly expands the talent pool into which organizations can tap.

How can you make this trend towards remote/hybrid offerings work to your advantage? Simply put, if you want to land a remote job, then position yourself as someone who would be an effective remote worker. For example:

  • Make a good first impression on your recruiters by joining your virtual interviews a few minutes early.
  • Always ensure that you have a stable, secure Internet connection. A patchy connection certainly won’t inspire confidence in your ability to work remotely.
  • Invest in the right equipment to maximize your virtual presence. For instance, use a high-quality microphone and camera. Make sure your lighting is good, and pay attention to your framing within the picture.
  • Get familiar with key collaboration tools, such as Slack and Zoom. Demonstrate your proficiency in using such tools. 

Convey the impression that you’re already an expert at remote work and back up that impression with a solid knowledge base. Then you’ll be well on your way to landing a remote job with your desired employer.

Trend #2: An Emphasis on Training, for Both New and Existing Employees

You want to work at a company that will stay competitive, and is interested in retaining their top performers. When researching potential employers, investigate the quality of their training program. This includes both the initial onboarding process for new hires, as well as ongoing development for current employees.

It’s common knowledge that 69 percent of employees are likely to stay with an organization for at least three years if they enjoy an exceptional onboarding experience at the start of their tenure. Furthermore, 89 percent of HR leaders agree that ongoing employee training is key to an organization’s success. The question you have to ask as a job candidate is: “How serious is this employer about investing in their people? Does the reality of their training program align with their stated values?”

Other good questions to ask include:

  • Does this employer have a continuous training plan in progress?
  • What are my personal and professional goals in terms of training and development? Will this employer support those goals?
  • What have past and current employees said about the company’s training initiatives?

In order to position yourself as an attractive candidate, demonstrate your positive attitude toward training. Mention past examples of how training helped you solve a challenging problem, or produce exceptional results on the job. Show an active interest in the company’s learning and development policy. Advocate for yourself. If your recruiter believes that you’re open to continuous learning, they’ll be more likely to put you at the top of their candidate list.

Trend #3: Available Opportunities Around AI, Machine Learning, and Analytics

IT jobs increasingly revolve around the development and application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics. From Google’s search engine results to Amazon’s product recommendations, AI forms the foundation of innumerable back-end systems in the virtual world today. 

How can you take advantage of this emerging trend? Explore your options in terms of expanding and deepening your knowledge base in these areas. For example, consider enrolling in certification programs that can equip you with specific, marketable skill sets. (This could include a Systems Design certificate, an R Programming certificate, or a Python certificate, just to name a few.)

Consider forming a relationship with a mentor who has experience with AI, machine learning, and/or analytics. In addition, if you’re an existing employee, volunteer to take part in a project where you can learn relevant AI/machine learning skills – even if they’re not part of your “normal job.” Acquiring such skills will make you more valuable to your current employer. And it will open more doors for furthering your career in the future.

In summary, you can take advantage of key hiring trends in 2022 and beyond by:

  • Positioning yourself as an expert in remote work.
  • Investigating a company’s reputation in terms of training, and demonstrating your appreciation for continuous learning and development.
  • Identifying and seizing opportunities to acquire new skills involving AI, machine learning, and analytics.

If you implement the suggestions discussed above, and take advantage of the resources that specialized placement agencies (like The Doyle Group) offer, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job for 2022, and for years thereafter.

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